Friday, November 14, 2008

$10 Friday

I can't believe I didn't post this earlier.  I've been caught up in the auction ending thursday and the drawing today, that I forgot to post this.  Although I didn't forget to do it myself.  Nor did I forget to update my status  every couple hours reminding people, thus being really annoying on FB.

I don't want to waste any more time before you see this, so I'm stealing most of the wording below from Cassie's Blog.

$10 Friday
The Water for Christmas facebook group has reached 1000 members. So we were talking that if everyone donated just $10 on Friday, we could fund the drilling of 2 wells.
2 wells in one day...wouldn't that be amazing?!?
So we are naming today $10 Friday. We are encouraging everyone who believes in this cause to go donate. Go to, which will take you
 to the fundraising page. 
Click on the red donate button to be a part of this incredible movement. 
A movement to save lives. 
To bring hope to a community across the ocean during this holiday season.
To say no to consumerism and yes to compassion.
Let's do this!

1 comment:

Melissa :) said...

I can't believe I'm not doing this yet - I'm trying to find a unique way to implement it.

Congrats on your blog resurrection!!!! :)