Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's official - I'm a table host!

Are you wondering what YOU can do to help the oppressed, the abused, the lost and forgotten?  The problems are so huge, so overwhelming.  Come to the International Justice Mission (IJM) Benefit Dinner held at the Fairmont in San Francisco,and sit at MY table.   Gary Haugen - President and CEO will be the featured speaker.  This guy is truly amazing.  The dinner is on Tuesday October 14th at 6:30pm. Tickets are $100/person.  I can't think of a better way to spend a chunk of change.  I really can't. 
Leave a comment if you are thinking about coming.  I'm prepared to twist as many arms as I have to!


brenda Madsen said...

Hey Amy!

Welcome to blogworld! I think it is great. I look forward to reading along with you on your journey. I am excited to see what the Lord will call us to.
Now that I have seen, I am responsible.

Elaine said...

Amy, I just read your whole blog. Joy called me Sunday am and we all went together. It was definitely eye opening. You're right. It is hard to know how to get involved without just throwing money on the issue. I'll keep checking to see where this takes you.

cody.moxley@gmail.com said...

so, yeah, can we sit at your table? we are so stoked to get involved...and scared at the same time. i know its going to be life changing! thanks again for inviting us

cody.moxley@gmail.com said...

that comment was really from me, amy(not cody)

One Crazy Mom said...

Yep! I've got you down for our table!